Student Projects Master Round 1

Student Projects, Course Information Architecture Semester 2, Jan 2024 – April 2024

Teachers: Prof. Sissi Closs, Valeria D’Ambrosio

Project: Tree Planting in Kenya

Students: Ivy Khavai and Jackson Juma
Our task prompted us to investigate the role the Government of Kenya plays in relation to tree planting activities and initiatives. We looked into the history of tree planting in Kenya, the types of trees planted in Kenya as well as governmental support on tree planting initiatives that are currently implemented.
The skills we have mastered from our different courses such as: Information Architecture, Project Management Scrum, Visualization and Rule-Based Writing helped in ensuring that the vision we had for our project was fulfilled. They helped ensure that our work was well structured, so that our target audience can easily navigate and find information they are looking for. Scrum enabled us to stay on track and complete our work as scheduled.
Overall, we enjoyed putting this project together and we hope you enjoy it too.
Technical implementation: MadCap Flare

Project: Communication and Media Job Offers

Students: Mercy Nzembi and Martin Makanga
Our task was on
1) Communication and media job offers in Kenya
2) The topics which have influenced my project is the Madcap Flare software
3. The benefits are good  data organisations, single sourcing, simplicity to work with, reduction of redundancy etc.
Technical implementation: MadCap Flare

Project: Go Green Ventures Tree Planting

Students: Roselyne Namayi and Juliet Odhiambo
What was your task?
 • Undertaking research about  tree planting in Kenya
 • Outlining the hstory of tree planting in Kenya
 • The benefits of tree planting
 • Decribing the different tree species grown in Kenya
 • Who are the key stakeholders in the tree planting sector?
 • Outline the process of tree planting
 • Taking photos to present a pictorial view of the tree planting activity
Which topics of your MCM courses have influenced your project?
 • Photography session
 • Word Press
 • Design Thinking
What are benefits of the way you implemented your project?
 • Ease of understanding since we used a simplified language for the users
 • The organization of the website follows a clear chronological format e.g. From the broader knowledge about trees to the different aspects of tree planting thus providing holistic information on trees
 • The drop down navigation enable ease of access to the specific topic the user would like to learn about
 • The cool color that’s attractive to the user and depicts the subject in mind – green and trees
Technical implementation: WordPress